NABARD GR A AGRICULTURE ARD STUDY MATERIALClassifications of Agro- forestry System based on Various Approaches
1. Based on Structure:
1. Agri- silviculture: The land is used to produce both forest trees and agriculture crops either simultaneously or alternatively.
2. Silvi- pastoral system: In this system tress are managed to produced wood and fodder grasses and for rearing of domestic animals.
3. Agri – silvi- pastoral system: In this system combines agri- silviculture and silvi- pasture.
4. Multipurpose forestry production system: forest is managed to yield multiple product in addition to wood. They are grown to yield fruits, fruits, leaves, honey, gum, and medicine. This system is best suited for hill tribal.
2. Based on the Dominance of Components:
1. Silvo- agriculture: The trees are the major component of land use and the agriculture crops are integrated with then. E.g. shifting cultivation, taungya cultivation.
2. Agro- silviculture: Agricultural component is the major one and trees are the secondary e.g. Allay cropping.
3. Silvo- pastoral system: Trees is the major component and pasture is secondary to allow the animals for grazing.
4. Pastoral silviculture: pasture is the component and trees are secondary sometimes allowing over grazing of forest beyond its carrying capacity.
5. Agro- silvi- pastoral system: Combination of crops, trees and pastures, e.g. home gardens wherein trees, herbs, shrubs, climbers and grasses are grown on the same land.
6. Silvo- agri- pasture: Silviculture is the dominate component. Agriculture and pasture are secondary.
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