Study Material Syllabus Question Papers Study Plan Tips Tricks For NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A & Manager Grade B Exam 2016
Study Material Syllabus Question Papers For NABARD Assistant Manager Grade A & Manager Grade B Exam 2016
1. Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ and Manager in Grade ‘B’ (RDBS)
It has been decided to introduce a new scheme of selection for recruitment of Officers in Grade
‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ from this process. Candidates will be required to write all the papers online.
The Preliminary online Examination will be common for both Assistant Manager (RDBS) in
Grade ‘A’ and Manager (RDBS) in Grade ‘B’. The selection will be in three Phases as furnished
1. Assistant Managers in Grade ‘A’ (RDBS)
Phase I – Preliminary Examination (Online Exam)
Objective Type: MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) carrying 200 marks. Duration: 120 Minutes
Composite Time
Part I
i) Test of Reasoning – 40 marks
ii) English Language – 40 marks
iii) Computer Knowledge – 20 marks
iv) General Awareness – 20 marks
v) Quantitative Aptitude – 30 marks
Part II
i)Eco. & Social issues - 25 marks
ii)Agri. & Rural Dev. - 25 marks
Phase II – Main Examination will consist of 01 paper in MCQ pattern and 01 paper in descriptive
format (English).
Paper-I (Writing skills online through key board) General English: (Descriptive)
The paper will have descriptive questions carrying 100 marks.
Duration: 1 ½ hrs
The analytical and drafting ability of the candidate shall be assessed from the Descriptive
English paper through essay writing, comprehension, report writing, paragraph writing &
Letter writing. - 100 marks
Paper–II (MCQ) Economic and Social Issues and Agri. and Rural Development :
Duration: 1 ½ hrs. – 100 Mark
Phase III - Interview
Applicants qualifying in the Phase-II Examination and securing sufficiently high rank in merit
shall be short-listed for interview.
Marks for Interview : 25 Marks
2. Managers in Grade ‘B’ (RDBS)
Phase I – Preliminary Examination (Online Exam)*
Objective Type: MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) carrying 200 marks. Duration: 120 Minutes
Composite Time
Part I
i) Test of Reasoning – 40 marks
- 8 -
ii) English Language – 40 marks
iii) Computer Knowledge – 20 marks
iv) General Awareness – 20 marks
v) Quantitative Aptitude – 30 marks
Part II
i)Eco. & Social issues - 25 marks
ii)Agri. & Rural Dev. - 25 marks
Phase II – Main Examination will consist of 02 papers in MCQ pattern and 01 paper in descriptive
format (English).
Paper-I (Writing skills online through key board) General English:
The paper will have descriptive questions carrying 100 marks.
Duration: 1 ½ hrs
The analytical and drafting ability of the candidate shall be assessed from the Descriptive
English paper through essay writing, comprehension, report writing, paragraph writing &
Letter writing. - 100 marks
Paper–II (MCQ) Economic and Social Issues and Agri. And Rural Development
Duration: 1 ½ hrs. – 100 Mark
Paper III : (MCQ) – Analytical Paper on Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and
Duration: 1 ½ hrs. – 100 marks
Phase III - Interview
Applicants qualifying in the Phase-II Examination and securing sufficiently high rank in merit
shall be short-listed for interview.
Marks for Interview : 40 Marks
All question papers (in both phases except the test of English, will be set bilingually in Hindi and
* The Preliminary Examination is only qualifying in nature and is meant to serve as a screening
test. Candidates who qualify and rank sufficiently high as decided by NABARD, shall be called
for appearing in the Main Examination.
For Preparation Of Phase 1 & 2 Join My Facebook Nabard Group At This Link
Verbal Reasoning:
Alphabet test
Mathematical Operation test
Ranking and time sequence
Causes and effects
Blood relations
Analytic reasoning
Direction sense test
Input output
Test Series
Odd one out
Sitting arrangement
Statement and arguments
Statement and action’s courses
Assertion and reasoning
Passage and conclusions
Figure Series
Decision making and conclusions
Statement and assumptions
Word formation.
Non- Verbal Reasoning :
Figure series test
Odd figures
Quantitative Aptitude
Number system
HCF & LCM Simplifications
Ratio and proportions
Average & Ages Ratio & Proportion
Number series
Problems based on numbers
Approximation Wrong Number
Decimal fractions
Square root and cube root
Profit and loss
Simple interest and compound interest
Data tables
Time and work
Time and distance
Pie charts
Bar graphs
Line graphs
Permutation and combination
Mixed graphs
Buy How to Prepare for Data Interpretation
Buy Data Interpretation
Buy Accredited Guide to Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency PB
Buy Data Analysis
Spotting the errors
Phrase substitution
Fill in the blank
Idioms & Phrases
Choosing the appropriate filler
Double blanks in a sentence
Ordering of sentences or jumbled up sentences
Synonyms & antonyms
Reconstruction of sentence & passage
Commonly misspelled words
One word substitution
Vocabulary means homonyms, synonyms, antonyms,sentence completion, word formation.
topic comprehension means deriving conclusion, theme detection, passage completion.
the topic rearrangement of passage, spelling, sentence and the topic grammar means set of rules active passive voice, indirect direct speech.
the topic general usage means phrases and idioms.
Sentence Improvement
Spotting Error Questions
One Word Substitution
Sentence Completion Etc
Buy Objective English for Competitive Examinations
Buy Computer Knowledge
Buy Computer Literacy And Knowledge for Bank PO
(I)Paper I – English: Essay, Précis writing, Comprehension and Business/Office Correspondence.
Buy Descriptive General English
Buy Text Book Of Descriptive English
II) Paper II – Section – I - Economic and Social Issues:
Nature of Indian Economy - Structural and
Institutional features - Economic underdevelopment - Opening up the Indian Economy -
Globalisation - Economic Reforms in India - Privatisation. Inflation - Trends in Inflation & their
Impact on National Economy and Individual Income.Objectives of Economy Planning-
Evaluation of Indian Planning Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India - Rural
and Urban - Measurement of Poverty - Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government.
Population Trends - Population Growth and Economic Development - Population Policy in India.
Agriculture - Characteristics / Status - Technical and Institutional changes in Indian Agriculture
- Agricultural performance - Issues in Food Security in India - Non Institutional and Institutional
Agencies in rural credit. Industry - Industrial and Labour Policy - Industrial performance -
Regional Imbalance in India's Industrial Development - Public Sector Enterprises. Rural
Marketing Development of banking and financial institutions in India - Reforms in Banking/
Financial sector. Globalisation of Economy - Role of International Funding Institutions - IMF &
World Bank - WTO - Regional Economic Co-operation. Social Structure in India -
Multiculturalism - Demographic trends - Urbanisation and Migration - Gender Issues Joint
family system - Social Infrastructure - Education - Health and Environment. Education - Status &
System of Education - Socio -Economic Problems associated with Illiteracy - Educational
relevance and educational wastage - Educational Policy for India. Social Justice: Problems of
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes - socio-economic programmes for scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes and other backward classes. Positive Discrimination in favour of the under
privileged - Social Movements - Indian Political Systems - Human Development. Current
Economic & Social Issues.
Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities; Recent trends, major challenges in
agriculture measures to enhance viability of agriculture. Factors of Production in agriculture;
Agricultural Finance and Marketing; Impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture and issues
of Food Security; Concept and Types of Farm Management.
1. Agriculture: definition, meaning and its branches, Agronomy: definition, meaning and
scope of agronomy. Classification of field crops. Factors affecting on crop production,
Agro Climatic Zones; Cropping Systems: Definition and types of cropping systems.
Problems of dry land agriculture; Seed production, seed processing, seed village;
Meteorology: weather parameters, crop-weather advisory; Precision Farming, System
of Crop Intensification, organic farming;
a) Soil and Water Conservation : Major soil types, soil fertility, fertilisers, soil erosion, soil
conservation, watershed management;
b) Water Resource: Irrigation Management: types of irrigation, sources of irrigation, cropwater
requirement, command area development, water conservation techniques, microirrigation,
irrigation pumps, major, medium and minor irrigation.
c) Farm and Agri Engineering : Farm Machinery and Power, Sources of power on the farmhuman,
animal, mechanical, electrical, wind, solar and biomass, bio fuels, water
harvesting structures, farm ponds, watershed management, Agro Processing, Controlled
and modified storage, perishable food storage, godowns, bins and grain silos.
- 10 -
d) Plantation & Horticulture : Definition, meaning and its branches. Agronomic practices
and production technology of various plantation and horticulture crops. Post-harvest
management, value and supply chain management of Plantation and Horticulture crops.
e) Animal Husbandry : Farm animals and their role in Indian economy, Animal husbandry
methods in India, common terms pertaining to different species of livestock, Utility
classification of breeds of cattle. Introduction to common feeds and fodders, their
classification and utility.
Introduction to poultry industry in India (past, present and future status ), Common
terms pertaining to poultry production and management. Concept of mixed farming and
its relevance to socio-economic conditions of farmers in India. Complimentary and
obligatory nature of livestock and poultry production with that of agricultural farming.
f) Fisheries : Fisheries resources, management and exploitation - freshwater,
brackishwater and marine; Aquaculture- Inland and marine; biotechnology; postharvest
technology. Importance of fisheries in India. Common terms pertaining to fish
g) Forestry : Basic concepts of Forest and Forestry. Principles of silviculture, forest
mensuration, forest management and forest economics. Concepts of social forestry,
agroforestry, joint forest management. Forest policy and legislation in India, India State
of Forest Report 2015. Recent developments under Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change.
h) Agricultural extensions: Its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension
programmes, Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra's (KVK) in dissemination of Agricultural
i) Ecology and Climate Change: Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their
sustainable management and conservation. Causes of climate change, Green House
Gases (GHG), major GHG emitting countries, climate analysis, distinguish between
adaptation and mitigation, climate change impact to agriculture and rural livelihood,
carbon credit, IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings, funding mechanisms for climate change
projects, initiatives by Govt of India, NAPCC, SAPCC, INDC
Rural Development:
Concept of Rural Area, Structure of the Indian Rural Economy-Importance and role of the rural
sector in India- Economic, Social and Demographic Characteristics of the Indian rural economy,
causes of Rural Backwardness.
Rural population in India; Occupational structure, Farmers, Agricultural Labourers, Artisans,
Handicrafts, Traders, Forest dwellers/tribes and others in rural India- Trends of change in rural
population and rural work force; problems and conditions of rural labour; Issues and challenges
in Handlooms
Panchayati Raj Institutions – Functions and Working. MGNREGA, NRLM – Aajeevika, Rural
Drinking water Programmes, Swachh Bharat, Rural housing, PURA and other rural development
Rural Credit System, Role of Rural Credit in Rural Development. Evolution and Growth of Rural
Credit System in India. Role and functions of RBI, NABARD, SIDBI and other financial
Soil Erosion and Conservation (English)
Water Conservation Techniques In Traditional Human Settlements
MCQs In Horticulture
3 Buy Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh
Forestry Solution (for all Forestry Competitive Exams.) (English)
Chicken Now (English)
Handbook of Horticulture (English) 1st Edition
Buy NABARD Assistant Manager
Buy National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
Buy Role of Nabard in Rural Transformation
Buy Nabard and its significance in agriculture
Buy Agricultural Finance in India
Buy National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
The Philosophy of Global Warming (English)
Paper III – Analytical Paper on Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and Management (For
Grade ‘B’ Examination):
1. Development Economics: Measures of development, Economic Development Models, role of
subsidies, importance of savings and investment, Importance of agriculture, Terms of trade
in agriculture, Development issues in India – Post 2015 Agenda.
2. Statistics: Basic statistical concepts, Summarizing of data, Frequency distribution, Measures
of Central Tendency, Relative dispersion, Elementary Probability, Relative Frequency
Approach, sampling, Axiomatic Approach, Analysis of frequency distribution, Correlation,
Regression, Sampling Methods, Time Series Analysis.
3. Finance: Financial system in India; Regulation of Banks & Financial Institutions, Banking and
financial Institutions in India; financial system- features, characteristics and issues; Micro
finance, its significance and importance; Union Budget; Project finance- Assessment and
Sources for block capital, working capital, Infrastructure financing- Risk Management in
Banking Sector, Sources of capital, instruments and methods, salient features; Development
finance- scope and needs of development finance; Concept of project cycle management,
Private and Social Cost Benefit significance of development finance, , Financial Inclusion –
Use of Technology, Public Private Partnership,
4. Management: Management: its nature and scope; The Management Processes; Planning,
Organisation, Staffing, Directing and Controlling; The Role of a Manager in an Organisation.
a) Leadership: The Tasks of a Leader; Leadership Styles; Leadership Theories; A
successful Leader versus an effective Leader.
b) Human Resource Development: Concept of HRD; Goals of HRD; Performance
Appraisal - Potential appraisal and development - Performance Counselling - Career
Planning - Training and Development - Rewards - Employee Welfare. Motivation,
Morale and Incentives: Theories of Motivation; How Managers Motivate; Concept of
Morale; Factors determining morale; Role of Incentives in Building up Morale.
c) Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral
versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward,
downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of
Information Technology. Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate
Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance.
Note : The above syllabus is only indicative and not exhaustive.
1. 36-Hour Course In Finance for Non-Financial Managers
2.Finance for NonFinanciers
3. Principles of Management – Koontz and O’Donnell
1. Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ and Manager in Grade ‘B’ (RDBS)
It has been decided to introduce a new scheme of selection for recruitment of Officers in Grade
‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ from this process. Candidates will be required to write all the papers online.
The Preliminary online Examination will be common for both Assistant Manager (RDBS) in
Grade ‘A’ and Manager (RDBS) in Grade ‘B’. The selection will be in three Phases as furnished
1. Assistant Managers in Grade ‘A’ (RDBS)
Phase I – Preliminary Examination (Online Exam)
Objective Type: MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) carrying 200 marks. Duration: 120 Minutes
Composite Time
Part I
i) Test of Reasoning – 40 marks
ii) English Language – 40 marks
iii) Computer Knowledge – 20 marks
iv) General Awareness – 20 marks
v) Quantitative Aptitude – 30 marks
Part II
i)Eco. & Social issues - 25 marks
ii)Agri. & Rural Dev. - 25 marks
Phase II – Main Examination will consist of 01 paper in MCQ pattern and 01 paper in descriptive
format (English).
Paper-I (Writing skills online through key board) General English: (Descriptive)
The paper will have descriptive questions carrying 100 marks.
Duration: 1 ½ hrs
The analytical and drafting ability of the candidate shall be assessed from the Descriptive
English paper through essay writing, comprehension, report writing, paragraph writing &
Letter writing. - 100 marks
Paper–II (MCQ) Economic and Social Issues and Agri. and Rural Development :
Duration: 1 ½ hrs. – 100 Mark
Phase III - Interview
Applicants qualifying in the Phase-II Examination and securing sufficiently high rank in merit
shall be short-listed for interview.
Marks for Interview : 25 Marks
2. Managers in Grade ‘B’ (RDBS)
Phase I – Preliminary Examination (Online Exam)*
Objective Type: MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) carrying 200 marks. Duration: 120 Minutes
Composite Time
Part I
i) Test of Reasoning – 40 marks
- 8 -
ii) English Language – 40 marks
iii) Computer Knowledge – 20 marks
iv) General Awareness – 20 marks
v) Quantitative Aptitude – 30 marks
Part II
i)Eco. & Social issues - 25 marks
ii)Agri. & Rural Dev. - 25 marks
Phase II – Main Examination will consist of 02 papers in MCQ pattern and 01 paper in descriptive
format (English).
Paper-I (Writing skills online through key board) General English:
The paper will have descriptive questions carrying 100 marks.
Duration: 1 ½ hrs
The analytical and drafting ability of the candidate shall be assessed from the Descriptive
English paper through essay writing, comprehension, report writing, paragraph writing &
Letter writing. - 100 marks
Paper–II (MCQ) Economic and Social Issues and Agri. And Rural Development
Duration: 1 ½ hrs. – 100 Mark
Paper III : (MCQ) – Analytical Paper on Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and
Duration: 1 ½ hrs. – 100 marks
Phase III - Interview
Applicants qualifying in the Phase-II Examination and securing sufficiently high rank in merit
shall be short-listed for interview.
Marks for Interview : 40 Marks
All question papers (in both phases except the test of English, will be set bilingually in Hindi and
* The Preliminary Examination is only qualifying in nature and is meant to serve as a screening
test. Candidates who qualify and rank sufficiently high as decided by NABARD, shall be called
for appearing in the Main Examination.
For Preparation Of Phase 1 & 2 Join My Facebook Nabard Group At This Link
Verbal Reasoning:
Alphabet test
Mathematical Operation test
Ranking and time sequence
Causes and effects
Blood relations
Analytic reasoning
Direction sense test
Input output
Test Series
Odd one out
Sitting arrangement
Statement and arguments
Statement and action’s courses
Assertion and reasoning
Passage and conclusions
Figure Series
Decision making and conclusions
Statement and assumptions
Word formation.
Non- Verbal Reasoning :
Figure series test
Odd figures
Quantitative Aptitude
Number system
HCF & LCM Simplifications
Ratio and proportions
Average & Ages Ratio & Proportion
Number series
Problems based on numbers
Approximation Wrong Number
Decimal fractions
Square root and cube root
Profit and loss
Simple interest and compound interest
Data tables
Time and work
Time and distance
Pie charts
Bar graphs
Line graphs
Permutation and combination
Mixed graphs
Buy How to Prepare for Data Interpretation
Buy Data Interpretation
Buy Accredited Guide to Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency PB
Buy Data Analysis
Spotting the errors
Phrase substitution
Fill in the blank
Idioms & Phrases
Choosing the appropriate filler
Double blanks in a sentence
Ordering of sentences or jumbled up sentences
Synonyms & antonyms
Reconstruction of sentence & passage
Commonly misspelled words
One word substitution
Vocabulary means homonyms, synonyms, antonyms,sentence completion, word formation.
topic comprehension means deriving conclusion, theme detection, passage completion.
the topic rearrangement of passage, spelling, sentence and the topic grammar means set of rules active passive voice, indirect direct speech.
the topic general usage means phrases and idioms.
Sentence Improvement
Spotting Error Questions
One Word Substitution
Sentence Completion Etc
Buy Objective English for Competitive Examinations
- Computer hardware parts and controls
- Basic computer terminology
- Basic internet knowledge and protocols
- Number System
- History of Computer
- Network basics (LAN & WAN)
- Computer abbreviation
- Security Tools , Virus , Hacking
- Software names and usages (Microsoft Office)
- And Computer Shortcut
Buy Computer Knowledge
Buy Computer Literacy And Knowledge for Bank PO
GK & Current Affairs
section covers questions from various sections like new appointments,
recent sports developments, national and international news, awards and
honors, new schemes etc.
knowledge will be covered from topics like
country-capital-currency-head, dance forms , famous places, dams,
nuclear and thermal power stations etc. Also Insurance awareness
questions will be asked.
Buy Encyclopaedia Of General Knowledge
Buy Lucent GK
Buy General Knowledge 2015
Buy Encyclopaedia Of General Knowledge
Buy Lucent GK
Buy General Knowledge 2015
Tips for cracking each section
is a test of observing our mental and problem solving ability.
Reasoning is not like numerical skill where you learn some formula and
solve question by applying that formula.Understand the question before
solving it. Don’t take much time for single question.You have to be very
careful while answering these questions.Practice similar questions from
previous model papers or previous year’s exam papers are the key to do
well in this section.The most important questions from this section are
on the topics such as Seating Arrangements, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding,
Directions, Blood Relations, Analogy, Classification, Series problems,
Missing Characters, Odd Man out, Ranking Test, Data sufficiency,
Assumptions and Directions. Non-Verbal is the toughest of all.
Which questions you have to attempt first –
better to attempt first those questions on which you are very confident
and you can attempt in a minimum time.Please do not start with Seating
Arrangement/ Puzzle type’s questions because once you stuck in these
questions, you will lose your valuable time.
Quantitative Aptitude
section contains the basic mathematical questions. Before exercising
such questions, it is better to go through the basic mathematical
formulae and learn some short cuts to solve the questions in lesser
time. In this section, the questions act as Calculation Instruments.
This section is extremely scoring and the right understanding of the
problem can help the aspirants to sail through this section. The most
important questions from this section are on the topics such as Number
Systems, Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Time & Work,
Percentage, Profit & Loss, Problems on Ages,Simple Interest
& Compound Interest, Average, Time & Distance,
Mensuration, Partnership and Data Interpretation.
Analysis and Interpretation contains Pie charts, Bar Diagrams and
graphs. It is one of the time consuming concept.So it’s better to do at
least five questions of this type a day to speed up your calculations.
try guesses in this section,Speed up your calculation and Learn Square
up to 30 and multiplication tables up to 20 are some key points to score
well in this section.
General English:
is the section where many aspirants are not able to score minimum cut
off marks. As you all read English books, chat with your friends in
English and of course watch English movies. But you cannot get score
good marks in English section. Most of the students face difficulty in
this section. This is a test principally to determine candidate’s
ability to remember main ideas and significant details. The most
important questions from this section are on the topics such as Grammar,
Comprehension, Error Correction, Vocabulary and Synonyms &
Read English newspapers daily.
Improve your vocabulary by knowing 10 new words everyday along with its Synonyms and Antonyms.
Watch good English news channels.
Can refer the book ‘Wren n Martin’.
General Awareness + Computer:
section acquires more importance because this is the only section which
can be attempted quickly and at the same time, very high marks can be
scored in this section. The most important questions from this section
are on the topics such as Banking Knowledge,Current Affairs, Oscar
Awards, Organizations and Headquarters, Important Days, Famous Persons
and their Roles, Award Winners, Books and Authors Games and Cups and
Abbreviations.The most important questions for Computer Knowledge are on
the topics such as Computer History, Computers-Generations, Internet,
Founders and Inventors, MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PPT, and MS
Outlook), Operating System, Computer Hardware & Software and
Abbreviations for Computer terms, Storage Devices,Computer organization
& Microprocessor, Latest changes in Technology, Data Base
Management Systems and Computer Networks.
Apart from this study material, few tips:
Listen and read National news on daily basis.
Go through the General Awareness books such as Competition Master,
Competition Success Review or Pratiyogita Darpan on monthly basis.
Study the last budget passed by the Central Government.
Aware of all changes around the world 6-7 months before the date of the Exam.
Daily interaction with computer will give you guys an additional
advantage while attempting the questions of Professional Knowledge
Some Key Points to crack this Exam:
Keep Practicing – Practice as much as you can do for sections such as
Data Interpretation and Reasoning as it will take time to solve
questions of these sections. You have to be quick in solving
mathematical calculations.
Get the detailed information about the syllabus – There will be two
papers, first is Objective type test and second is Descriptive type
test. You need to have a look at the sections and their topics of both
these papers so that you can start your preparation well
Focus on each section – The selection process is based on the score of
your exam in each section. Keep in mind that you have to clear the cut
off marks of each of the sections.
Get an idea of questions from previous year’s papers – Practice from
previous year’s question papers will give a clear idea about the
difficulty level of questions and pattern of question paper.
Last time Revisions – After you have finished your course, go for one
more reading. This will help you in memorizing the facts properly. It
will be better if you prepare short notes as well. This helps in
revision at a later stage when time is less.
Time Management Tips Are As Follows
with Stopwatch on your side: For any aspiring Nabard candidate it is a
must to keep a stopwatch by their side while preparing. Apart from the
tenacity of the questions, what matters is that of the allotted time for
solving those questions. One needs to practice so well in the paper so
that he/she can answer most number of questions that too keeping the
accuracy factor in mind. This also helps you to improve your time and
boosts your confidence just before the examination.
Questions that are troubling much: if at any point it is felt by the candidate that a
certain question is troubling them much, they should immediately move
away from that particular question and try and solve other known ones.
Rather than sticking to any particular question, it is advisable to move
through Practice sets and Mock Question Papers: Mock question papers
and practice sets can help the candidates to prepare for the examination
effectively. By solving these sets you could have an idea of how many
questions you are solving on the given time and try to improve that by
applying and innovating newer techniques for solving problems through
constant practice.
not go for everything: You certainly didn’t want to get in trap of
‘getting everything’ under your belt. Thus, you should set a target for
yourself while you are preparing for any paper and decide how many
questions you are going to attempt with accuracy to be on top of
anything. You should keep an eye on quality of your answers rather than
the quantity as doing this you could also avoid negative markings which
can take down your chances of getting through.
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Buy Successful Time Management in a Week: Teach Yourself : Teach Yourself
Buy Times Management For Students
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Buy Successful Time Management in a Week: Teach Yourself : Teach Yourself
For Preparation Of Phase 1 & 2 Join My Facebook Nabard Group At This Link
Exam Preparation Tips:
Time Table: Candidates have to make time table for Nabard Preparation. Time should be made as candidate’s ability.
Material:Check the latest syllabus and exam pattern. Nabard paper
always follow updated pattern. Candidates can prepare with book,
reference book (guide), previous paper, Notes etc.
always concentrate on exam preparation and study regularly with books
and keep maintain notes for last time preparation.
in Yourself: Always believe in yourself and think about your aim to
would be succeeded in the Exam. Try to don’t lose the self
Stress Management:
Always keep your mind cool and stress free. Proper rest your mind after
long study. Students should also listen sometime sweet music songs after
long time study.
Management: Time Management is most important for Exam.
Candidate’s gives proper time to study with books and other study
materials like previous year papers, Notes, magazines etc.
Make Hand Notes: Regularly make notes for Exam, so Candidates can easily understand and revise the previous topics.
your Strength and Weakness: Candidates should check their weakness and
work hard to remove their weak point in study. Mange time to solve the
hard and easy topics in your syllabus.
Be Positive: Candidates should make positive thinking about the exam and their future result. Don’t be afraid the exam paper.
Advice to Expert: Candidates if you feel confused in any topic
& question then to you should take an advice to your
expert/teacher. Don’t waste time to solve these types of question.
must dedicate 4- 5 hours of daily preparation and rather than making
time schedule, you should list down the topics you should prepare per
day. Little things like these tips will make your ride smoother:
Light – Start your day with a light breakfast like cereal and fruit.
Avoid greasy food to spare yourself the lethargy and drowsiness that
they induce. Eating light will make your body feel lighter, letting you
focus better
Study Hours, Strong Focus – If you cannot study for long hours, it is
much better to sit for short hours, but with dedication! Promise
yourself you’ll study well for those two hours.
Regular Breaks – It’s always better to give yourself a break after every
hour or two, than cramming everything nonstop. Give your mind time to
soak it all in
Time Out for Yourself – Constant studying makes your mind bored and
unresponsive. So take time out to pamper yourself and let yourself
unwind. A calm body and mind are the most receptive
– When you are on a timeout, unwind with a fun, creative activity!
Simple things like cooking, painting, or even a walk in the park are
good ways to let your hair down. You could even rock out to your
favorite music.
– Take regular walks, go for runs or go gymming! Any kind of physical
workout is a good break, for both your body and mind.
Targets – Set achievable targets for yourself, like studying 4
comprehensive topics in an hour, or 7-8 small topics in an hour. This
will boost your speed as your mind will not feel over taxed.
and Revise on the Go – Get your hands on a good book for your
preparations. This will let you touch up whenever you have the free
time, or just feel the need
Flashcards – This is another great tool that will let you revise
anytime, anywhere and with ease! Make flashcards of important dates,
event and keywords to keep your memory fresh.
Ample Sleep – I cannot stress the importance of sleeping enough! Make
sure you are well rested so that your body doesn’t decide to rest at a
time you need it the most!
things like these will let you prep better for the exam! Some other
simple things you should note is making sure you have your id and admit
card, and carrying some snack and water to the exam venue.
Last Minute Tips
Overburden Yourself: It is important not to overburden yourself while
preparing hard for the examination. There should be set hours for study
for the candidates and there should be equal share of light hearted
entertainment and physical outings necessary along with the studies. A
healthy mind and body can become very important for your success and
thus the candidates need to make their routine perfectly in tandem with
the situation.
Keep a stopwatch
by your side: If you are still wondering how you would manage your time
and solve all the 150 questions that you need to solve in the four hour
time period, the only option you are left with is to keep a stopwatch by
your side and practice regularly.
your weak areas: It is very easy to go along well with your strong
areas, but it is the best time to work on your weaker areas and give it
your best shot. Try and point out all the major areas you are stumbling
and try to remove the blockings through constant practice and able
your own methods and techniques: This is one such practice which allows
the candidates to solve questions in innumerably less time and boost
confidence in the candidates. They could take suggestions from the
coaching classes or take inputs from the mock question papers or
guidebooks from which they prepare. Finding a pattern for any question
could turn out to be gold for the candidates.
your own boundaries: You cannot possibly answer each and every question
correctly in the given time and thus you need to limit your lines. This
could help the candidates immensely in the time of giving the
examination and make it possible for them to make a count on their
chances for getting through.
your weapons: You need to make sure you keep your admit cards,
necessary stationary equipment ready for the examination and get ready
to go for the examination.
yourself mentally: The examinations are mental game and you need to be
psychologically strong in order to succeed in any examination. You need
to feel assured of yourself and believe in yourself that whatever
preparations you have gone through could sail you through to the next
round. This confidence alone could ease your way while going for the
Keep your eyes open
for anything new: A good listener and observer can always benefit from
whatever is around them. The candidates need to be aware of the ongoing
events in their surroundings and be active mentally and physically to
stay fit. They should look for new words, sentence formation structures
and passages that appear in newspapers, magazines and journals which
could help them in the English Language paper. Along with this they
should go through internet surfing to find out resources and online
material available for helping them in the examinations.
(I)Paper I – English: Essay, Précis writing, Comprehension and Business/Office Correspondence.
Buy Descriptive General English
Buy Text Book Of Descriptive English
II) Paper II – Section – I - Economic and Social Issues:
Nature of Indian Economy - Structural and
Institutional features - Economic underdevelopment - Opening up the Indian Economy -
Globalisation - Economic Reforms in India - Privatisation. Inflation - Trends in Inflation & their
Impact on National Economy and Individual Income.Objectives of Economy Planning-
Evaluation of Indian Planning Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India - Rural
and Urban - Measurement of Poverty - Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government.
Population Trends - Population Growth and Economic Development - Population Policy in India.
Agriculture - Characteristics / Status - Technical and Institutional changes in Indian Agriculture
- Agricultural performance - Issues in Food Security in India - Non Institutional and Institutional
Agencies in rural credit. Industry - Industrial and Labour Policy - Industrial performance -
Regional Imbalance in India's Industrial Development - Public Sector Enterprises. Rural
Marketing Development of banking and financial institutions in India - Reforms in Banking/
Financial sector. Globalisation of Economy - Role of International Funding Institutions - IMF &
World Bank - WTO - Regional Economic Co-operation. Social Structure in India -
Multiculturalism - Demographic trends - Urbanisation and Migration - Gender Issues Joint
family system - Social Infrastructure - Education - Health and Environment. Education - Status &
System of Education - Socio -Economic Problems associated with Illiteracy - Educational
relevance and educational wastage - Educational Policy for India. Social Justice: Problems of
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes - socio-economic programmes for scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes and other backward classes. Positive Discrimination in favour of the under
privileged - Social Movements - Indian Political Systems - Human Development. Current
Economic & Social Issues.
Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities; Recent trends, major challenges in
agriculture measures to enhance viability of agriculture. Factors of Production in agriculture;
Agricultural Finance and Marketing; Impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture and issues
of Food Security; Concept and Types of Farm Management.
1. Agriculture: definition, meaning and its branches, Agronomy: definition, meaning and
scope of agronomy. Classification of field crops. Factors affecting on crop production,
Agro Climatic Zones; Cropping Systems: Definition and types of cropping systems.
Problems of dry land agriculture; Seed production, seed processing, seed village;
Meteorology: weather parameters, crop-weather advisory; Precision Farming, System
of Crop Intensification, organic farming;
a) Soil and Water Conservation : Major soil types, soil fertility, fertilisers, soil erosion, soil
conservation, watershed management;
b) Water Resource: Irrigation Management: types of irrigation, sources of irrigation, cropwater
requirement, command area development, water conservation techniques, microirrigation,
irrigation pumps, major, medium and minor irrigation.
c) Farm and Agri Engineering : Farm Machinery and Power, Sources of power on the farmhuman,
animal, mechanical, electrical, wind, solar and biomass, bio fuels, water
harvesting structures, farm ponds, watershed management, Agro Processing, Controlled
and modified storage, perishable food storage, godowns, bins and grain silos.
- 10 -
d) Plantation & Horticulture : Definition, meaning and its branches. Agronomic practices
and production technology of various plantation and horticulture crops. Post-harvest
management, value and supply chain management of Plantation and Horticulture crops.
e) Animal Husbandry : Farm animals and their role in Indian economy, Animal husbandry
methods in India, common terms pertaining to different species of livestock, Utility
classification of breeds of cattle. Introduction to common feeds and fodders, their
classification and utility.
Introduction to poultry industry in India (past, present and future status ), Common
terms pertaining to poultry production and management. Concept of mixed farming and
its relevance to socio-economic conditions of farmers in India. Complimentary and
obligatory nature of livestock and poultry production with that of agricultural farming.
f) Fisheries : Fisheries resources, management and exploitation - freshwater,
brackishwater and marine; Aquaculture- Inland and marine; biotechnology; postharvest
technology. Importance of fisheries in India. Common terms pertaining to fish
g) Forestry : Basic concepts of Forest and Forestry. Principles of silviculture, forest
mensuration, forest management and forest economics. Concepts of social forestry,
agroforestry, joint forest management. Forest policy and legislation in India, India State
of Forest Report 2015. Recent developments under Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change.
h) Agricultural extensions: Its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension
programmes, Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra's (KVK) in dissemination of Agricultural
i) Ecology and Climate Change: Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their
sustainable management and conservation. Causes of climate change, Green House
Gases (GHG), major GHG emitting countries, climate analysis, distinguish between
adaptation and mitigation, climate change impact to agriculture and rural livelihood,
carbon credit, IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings, funding mechanisms for climate change
projects, initiatives by Govt of India, NAPCC, SAPCC, INDC
Rural Development:
Concept of Rural Area, Structure of the Indian Rural Economy-Importance and role of the rural
sector in India- Economic, Social and Demographic Characteristics of the Indian rural economy,
causes of Rural Backwardness.
Rural population in India; Occupational structure, Farmers, Agricultural Labourers, Artisans,
Handicrafts, Traders, Forest dwellers/tribes and others in rural India- Trends of change in rural
population and rural work force; problems and conditions of rural labour; Issues and challenges
in Handlooms
Panchayati Raj Institutions – Functions and Working. MGNREGA, NRLM – Aajeevika, Rural
Drinking water Programmes, Swachh Bharat, Rural housing, PURA and other rural development
Rural Credit System, Role of Rural Credit in Rural Development. Evolution and Growth of Rural
Credit System in India. Role and functions of RBI, NABARD, SIDBI and other financial
Water Conservation Techniques In Traditional Human Settlements
MCQs In Horticulture
3 Buy Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh
Forestry Solution (for all Forestry Competitive Exams.) (English)
Chicken Now (English)
Handbook of Horticulture (English) 1st Edition
Buy NABARD Assistant Manager
Buy National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
Buy Role of Nabard in Rural Transformation
Buy Nabard and its significance in agriculture
Buy Agricultural Finance in India
Buy National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
The Philosophy of Global Warming (English)
Paper III – Analytical Paper on Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and Management (For
Grade ‘B’ Examination):
1. Development Economics: Measures of development, Economic Development Models, role of
subsidies, importance of savings and investment, Importance of agriculture, Terms of trade
in agriculture, Development issues in India – Post 2015 Agenda.
2. Statistics: Basic statistical concepts, Summarizing of data, Frequency distribution, Measures
of Central Tendency, Relative dispersion, Elementary Probability, Relative Frequency
Approach, sampling, Axiomatic Approach, Analysis of frequency distribution, Correlation,
Regression, Sampling Methods, Time Series Analysis.
3. Finance: Financial system in India; Regulation of Banks & Financial Institutions, Banking and
financial Institutions in India; financial system- features, characteristics and issues; Micro
finance, its significance and importance; Union Budget; Project finance- Assessment and
Sources for block capital, working capital, Infrastructure financing- Risk Management in
Banking Sector, Sources of capital, instruments and methods, salient features; Development
finance- scope and needs of development finance; Concept of project cycle management,
Private and Social Cost Benefit significance of development finance, , Financial Inclusion –
Use of Technology, Public Private Partnership,
4. Management: Management: its nature and scope; The Management Processes; Planning,
Organisation, Staffing, Directing and Controlling; The Role of a Manager in an Organisation.
a) Leadership: The Tasks of a Leader; Leadership Styles; Leadership Theories; A
successful Leader versus an effective Leader.
b) Human Resource Development: Concept of HRD; Goals of HRD; Performance
Appraisal - Potential appraisal and development - Performance Counselling - Career
Planning - Training and Development - Rewards - Employee Welfare. Motivation,
Morale and Incentives: Theories of Motivation; How Managers Motivate; Concept of
Morale; Factors determining morale; Role of Incentives in Building up Morale.
c) Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral
versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward,
downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of
Information Technology. Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate
Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance.
Note : The above syllabus is only indicative and not exhaustive.
1. 36-Hour Course In Finance for Non-Financial Managers
2.Finance for NonFinanciers
3. Principles of Management – Koontz and O’Donnell
Previous Year Papers Of 2009 & 2010 Of Phase 1 Is Available At This Link
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For Preparation Of Phase 1 & 2 Join My Facebook Nabard Group At This Link