IBPS Specialist Officer IT Study Material On DBMS & Networking

1.   DBMS

MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set - 1

1. DBMS is a collection of ………….. that enables user to create and maintain a database.
A) Keys
B) Translators
C) Program
D) Language Activity

2. In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called
A) Relations
B) Domains
C) Queries
D) All of the above

3. In an ER model,  ……………. is described in the database by storing its data.
A) Entity
B) Attribute
C) Relationship
D) Notation

4. DFD stands for
A) Data Flow Document
B) Data File Diagram
C) Data Flow Diagram
D) Non of the above

5. A top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a
A) Hierarchical schema
B) Network schema
C) Relational Schema
D) All of the above

6. ……………… table store information about database or about the system.
B) Nested
C) System
D) None of these

7. …………..defines the structure of a relation which consists of a fixed set of attribute-domain pairs.
A) Instance
B) Schema
c) Program
D) Super Key

8. ……………… clause is an additional filter that is applied to the result.
A) Select
B) Group-by
C) Having
D) Order by

9. A logical schema
A) is the entire database
B) is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts.
C) Describes how data is actually stored on disk.
D) All of the above

10. ………………… is a full form of SQL.
A) Standard query language
B) Sequential query language
C) Structured query language
D) Server side query language

1. C) Program
2. B) Domains
3. A) Entity
4. C) Data Flow Diagram
5. A) Hierarchical schema
6. C) System
7. B) Schema
8. C) Having
9. B) is a standard .. accessible parts.
10. C) Structured query language 

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MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set - 2


1. The candidate key is that you choose to identify each row uniquely is called ……………..
A) Alternet Key
B) Primary Key
C) Foreign Key
D) None of the above

2. …………….. is used to determine whether of a table contains duplicate rows.
A) Unique predicate
B) Like Predicate
C) Null predicate
D) In predicate

3. To eliminate duplicate rows ……………… is used
D) None of these

4. State true or false
i) A candidate key is a minimal super key.
ii) A candidate key can also refer to as surrogate key.
A) i-true, ii-false
B) i-false, ii-true
C) i-true, ii-true
D) i-false, ii-false

5. DCL stands for
A) Data Control Language
B) Data Console Language
C) Data Console Level
D) Data Control Level

6. …………………… is the process of organizing data into related tables.
A) Normalization
B) Generalization
C) Specialization
D) None of the above

7. A ………………. Does not have a distinguishing attribute if its own and mostly are dependent entities, which are part of some another entity.
A) Weak entity
B) Strong entity
C) Non attributes entity
D) Dependent entity

8. …………….. is the complex search criteria in the where clause.
A) Substring
B) Drop Table
C) Predict
D) Predicate

9. ………………… is preferred method for enforcing data integrity
A) Constraints
B) Stored Procedure
C) Triggers
D) Cursors

10. The number of tuples in a relation is called its …………. While the number of attributes in a relation is called it’s ………………..
A) Degree, Cardinality
B) Cardinality, Degree
C) Rows, Columns
D) Columns, Rows

1.       B) Primary Key
2.       A) Unique predicate
3.       C) DISTINCT
4.       C) i-true, ii-true
5.       A) Data Control Language

6.       A) Normalization
7.       A) Weak entity
8.       D) Predicate
9.       A) Constraints
10.   B) Cardinality, Degree






MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set - 3


1. State true or false.
i) Select operator is not a unary operator.
ii) Project operator chooses subset of attributes or columns of a relation.
A) i-True, ii-False
B) i-True, ii-True
C) i-False, ii-True
D) i-False, ii-False

2. …………… database is used as template for all databases created.
A) Master
B) Model
C) Tempdb
D) None of the above

3. One aspect that has to be dealt with by the integrity subsystem is to ensure that only valid values can be assigned to each data items. This is referred to as
A) Data Security
B) Domain access
C) Data Control
D) Domain Integrity

4. ………………….. operator is basically a join followed by a project on the attributes of first relation.
A) Join
B) Semi-Join
C) Full Join
D) Inner Join

5. Which of the following is not a binary operator in relational algebra?
A) Join
B) Semi-Join
C) Assignment
D) Project

6. Centralizing the integrity checking directly under the DBMS ………….. Duplication and ensures the consistency and validity of the database.
A) Increases
B) Skips
C) Does not reduce
D) Reduces

7. Which of the following is/are the DDL statements?
A) Create
B) Drop
C) Alter
D) All of the above

8. In snapshot,  …………………. clause tells oracle how long to wait between refreshes.
A) Complete
B) Force
C) Next
D) Refresh

9. ……………… defines rules regarding the values allowed in columns and is the standard mechanism for enforcing database integrity.
A) Column
B) Constraint
C) Index
D) Trigger

10. For like predicate which of the following is true.
i) % matches zero of more characters.
ii) _ matches exactly one character.
A) i-only
B) ii-only
C) Both of them
D) None of them

1.       C) i-False, ii-True
2.       B) Model
3.       D) Domain Integrity
4.       B) Semi-Join
5.       D) Project
6.       D) Reduces
7.       D) All of the above
8.       D) Refresh
9.       B) Constraint
10.   C) Both of them



MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set – 4


1.      The number of attributes in relation is called as its .....................

A) Cardinality
B) Degree
C) Tuples
D) Entity

2. The DBMS utility, ...................... allows to reconstruct the correct state of database from the backup and history of transactions.

A) Backup
B) Recovery
C) Monitoring
D) Data loading

3. In the ........... normal form, a composite attribute is converted to individual attributes.

A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth

4. In RDBMS, Data is presented as a collection of ............

A) Table
B) Attributes
C) Relations
D) Entities

5. A .................. normal form normalization will be needed where all attributes in a relation tuple are not functionally dependent only on the key attribute.

A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth

6. To select all column from the table the syntax is:

A) select all from table_name
B) select * from table_name
C) select from table_name
D) Non of the above

7. If an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an attribute of the other composite key, a normalization called ................ is needed.

C) Fourth
D) Third

8. Identify the criteria for designing database from the point of view of user

A) No redundancy
B) No inapplicable attributes
C) Uniformity in naming & definitions of the data items
D) All of the above

9. The ............ operator preserves unmatched rows of the relations being joined.

A) Inner join
B) Outer join
C) Union
D) Union join

10. The reasons leading to popularity of client-server systems are:

A) More powerful workstations on LANs
B) Needed for graphical user interfaces of end users.
C) Remove computing load for presentation services from the system managing a shared database resource
D) All

1. B) Degree
2. B) Recovery
3. A) First
4. C) Relations
5. C) Third
6. B) select * from table_name
7. B) BCNF
8. D) All of the above
9. B) Outer join
10. D) All


MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set - 5


1. The relational model is based on the concept that data is organized and stored in two-dimensional tables called ……………………….
A) Fields
B) Records
C) Relations
D) Keys

2. ……………….. contains information that defines valid values that are stored in a column or data type.
A) View
B) Rule
C) Index
D) Default

3. Which of the syntax is correct for insert statement?
i) insert into values
ii) insert into (column list) values
A) i-only
B) ii-only
C) Both of them
D) None of them

4. ………………. First proposed the process of normalization.
A) Edgar. W
B) Edgar F. Codd
C) Edward Stephen
D) Edward Codd

5. For using a specific database …………… command is used.
A) use database
B) databasename use
C) Both A &B
D) None of them

6. Which of the following is not comparison operator?
A) <>
B) <
C) =<
D) >=

7. An outstanding functionality of SQL is its support for automatic ………… to the target data.
A) programming
B) functioning
C) navigation
D) notification

8. ………………… is a special type of integrity constraint that relates two relations & maintains consistency across the relations.
A) Entity Integrity Constraints
B) Referential Integrity Constraints
C) Domain Integrity Constraints
D) Domain Constraints
D) Key Constraints

9. ……………..specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate.
A) GROUP BY Clause
B) HAVING Clause
C) FROM Clause
D) WHERE Clause

10. Drop Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a …………… constraint.
A) Local Key
B) Primary Key
C) Composite Key
D) Foreign Key

1.   C) Relations
2.   C) Index
3.   C) Both of them
4.   B) Edgar F. Codd
5.   A) use database
6.   C) =<
7.   C) navigation
8.   B) Referential.....Constraints
9.   B) HAVING Clause
10.   D) Foreign Key


MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set – 6


1. ............... joins are SQL server default
A) Outer
B) Inner
C) Equi
D) None of the above

2. The ..................... is essentially used to search for patterns in target string.
A) Like Predicate
B) Null Predicate
C) In Predicate
D) Out Predicate

3. Which of the following is/are the Database server functions?
i) Data management                                       ii) Transaction management
iii) Compile queries                                         iv) Query optimization

A) i, ii, and iv only
B) i, ii and iii only
C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii, and iv

4. To delete a database ................... command is used
A) delete database database_name
B) Delete database_name
C) drop database database_name
D) drop database_name

5. .............. is a combination of two of more attributes used as a primary key
A) Composite Key
B) Alternate Key
C) Candidate Key
D) Foreign Key

6. Which of the following is not the function of client?
A) Compile queries
B) Query optimization
C) Receive queries
D) Result formatting and presentation

7. ............. is a special type of stored procedure that is automatically invoked whenever the data in the table is modified.
A) Procedure
B) Trigger
C) Curser
D) None of the above

8. ................. requires that data should be made available to only authorized users.
A) Data integrity
B) Privacy
C) Security
D) None of the above

9. Some of the utilities of DBMS are .............
i) Loading             ii) Backup             iii) File organization         iv) Process Organization
A) i, ii, and iv only
B) i, ii and iii only
C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii, and iv

10. ................. allows individual row operation to be performed on a given result set or on the generated by a selected by a selected statement.
A) Procedure
B) Trigger
C) Curser
D) None of above

1. B) Inner
2. A) Like Predicate
3. A) i, ii, and iv only
4. C) drop ....database_name
5. A) Composite Key
6. B) Query optimization
7. B) Trigger
8. C) Security
9. B) i, ii and iii only
10. C) Curser


MCQ of Database Management System(DBMS) with answer set-7



1. Processed data is called ………………..
A) Raw data
B) Information
C) Useful data
D) Source

2. …………….. is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide  auditing capability.
A) SQL server Profile
B) SQL server service manager
C) SQL server setup
D) SQL server wizard.

3. Data items grouped together for storage purposes are called a
A) record
B) title
C) list
D) string

4. …………. contains data assisting day to day activities of the organization.
A) Control database
B) Operational database
C) Strategic database
D) Sequential database

5. ………………… approach reduces time and effort required for design and lesser risk in database management.
A) Single global database
B) Top-down approach
C) Multiple databases
D) None of the above

6. HSAM stands for ……….
A) Hierarchic Sequential Access Method
B) Hierarchic Standard Access Method
C) Hierarchic Sequential and Method
D) Hierarchic Standard and Method

7. SQL server stores index information in the ………… system table
A) systindexes
B) systemindexes
C) sysind
D) sysindexes

8. The one guideline to be followed while designing the database is
A) A database design may be ambiguous.
B) Unrelated data should be in the same table so that updating the data will be easy.
C) It should avoid/reduce the redundancy.
D) An entity should not have attributes.

9. Which of the following is not a logical database structure?
A) Chain
B) Network
C) Tree
D) Relational

10. ……………. is a preferred method for enforcing data integrity
A) Constraints
B) Stored procedure
C) Triggers
D) Cursors

1.   B) Information
2.   B) SQL server service manager
3.   A) record
4.   B) Operational database
5.   C) Multiple databases
6.   A) Hierarchic Seque ... Method
7.   D) sysindexes
8.   C) It should avo … redundancy.
9.   A) Chain
10.   A) Constraints


Solved MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set - 8


1. Reflexivity property says that X    -    Y is true if Y is ………………….
A) Subset of X
B) Null set of X
C) Super set of Y
D) Subset of Y

2. Anything that affects the database schema is a part of
D) All of the above

3. An instance of a relation is a time varying set of ………………….
A) Tuples
B) Rows
C) Both of them
D) None of them

4. In the ………………… mode any record in the file can be accessed at random
A) Sequential access
B) Random access
C) Standard access
D) Source access

5. Which can be used to delete all the rows if a table?
A) Delete * from table_name
B) Delete from table_name
C) Delete table_name
D) all rows cannot be deleted at a time.

6. Which if the following is not the type of data integrity.
A) Key integrity
B) Domain integrity
C) Entity integrity
D) Referential integrity

7. 4NF stands for ..
A) Fourth Normal File
B) Fourth Normal Form
C) Fourth Normal Fraction
D) Fourth Negative File

8. A ……………… allows to make copies of the database periodically to help in the cases of crashes & disasters.
A) Recovery utility
B) Backup Utility
C) Monitoring utility
D) Data loading utility

9. ………………. Allows definitions and query language statements to be entered; query results are formatted and displayed.
A) Schema Processor
B) Query Processor
C) Terminal Interface
D) None of the above

10. The main task carried out in the …………… is to remove repeating attributes to separate tables.
A) First Normal Form
B) Second Normal Form
C) Third Normal Form
D) Fourth Normal Form

1.   A) Subset of X
2.   C) DDL
3.   C) Both of them
4.   B) Random access
5.   A) Delete * from table_name
6.   A) Key integrity
7.   B) Fourth Normal Form
8.   B) Backup Utility
9.   C) Terminal Interface
   D) Fourth Normal Form



Solved MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set – 9


1. Mechanism developed to enforce users to enter data in required format is:
a. Data validation
b. Input mask
c. Criteria
d. Data verification

2. The raw facts and figures are:
a. Data
b. Information
c. Snapshot
d. Reports

3. The feature that database allows to access only certain records in database is:
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables

4. Which filter method lets you filter the records that match the selected field?
a. Filter by form
b. Filter by selection
c. Auto filter
d. Advanced filter

5. Which filter method lets you filter records based on criterion you specify?
a. Filter by form
b. Filter by selection
c. Auto filter
d. Advanced filter

6. You can find Sort & Filter group of commands in
a. Home ribbon
b. Create ribbon
c. Database tools ribbon
d. Fields ribbon

7. Which of the following filter method is not available in Access?
a. Filter by selection
b. Filter by form
c. Advanced filter
d. None of above

8. By Grouped Report you understand
a. Type of report generated by the Report Wizard
b. Type of report that present records sorted in ascending or descending order as you specify
c. Type of report that displays data grouped by fields you specified
d. None of above

9. The text you typed in Description column  in Table Design View is displayed on
a. Description bar in forms
b. Report Footer when printed
c. Title bar of MS Access while entering data
d. Status bar while entering data

10. What is the maximum allowed field size for Boolean (Yes/No) fields?
a. 1
b. 8
c. 50
d. 255

11. What is the size of Data & Time field type?
a. 1
b. 8
c. 255
d. 50

12. Which of the following field type can store maximum data?
a. Yes/No fields
b. Date/Time fields
c. Text fields
d. Memo fields

13. To display associated record from related table in datasheet view, you can
a. Double click the record
b. Apply filter by form command
c. Single click on expand indicator (+) next to the record
d. Double click on expand indicator (+) next to the record

14. Arrange according to the size
a. Record, field, byte, bit
b. Bit, field, byte, record
c. Field, byte, record, bit
d. Byte, bit, record, field

15. What type of relationship exists between a Student table and Fees table?
a. One to one
b. One to many
c. Many to many
d. One to many and many to many

16. Identify the relationship between a Movie table and Stars table:
a. One to one
b. One to many
c. Many to many
d. None of above

17. What type of relationship exists between a Teacher table and Class table?
a. One to many
b. Many to many
c. One to one
d. Two to two

18. Which of following relationship type is not possible to realize in Access Database directly?
a. One to one
b. One to many
c. Many to many
d. None of above

19. For which kind of relationship you need a junction table to reflect real world situation?
a. One to one
b. One to many
c. Many to many
d. None of above

20. What do you need if you should enforce many-to-many relationship between two tables?
a. Parent table
b. Child table
c. Junction table
d. Many-to-many relationship can't be created in database

21. You can display data from multiple tables by using
a. Page break
b. Sub form
c. Columnar form
d. Tabular form

22. What is the best data type for a field that stores mobile numbers?
a. Text
b. Number
c. Date/Time
d. Memo

23. What field type is best to store serial numbers?
a. Number
b. AutoNumber
c. Text
d. Memo

24. Which of the following field type is used to store photograph of employees?
a. Memo
b. Picture
c. OLE
d. Photo

25. Which of the following method can be used to add more tables in a database?
a. Design View
b. Table Wizard
c. By Entering Data
d. All of above

26. From which version Microsoft introduced Backstage View for Access Interface?
a. Access 2003
b. Access 2007
c. Access 2010
d. Access does not have Backstage View

27. You can display Backstage View by clicking on
a. File menu
b. Home tab
c. Control box
d. Quick Access Toolbar

28. Why do you pin an item in list?
a. To mark it to delete from list
b. To move it up and make it always available
c. To make it default database when you open Access
d. None of above

29. The options like Save, Open Database, Print are available in
a. Home tab
b. Backstage View tab
c. File menu
d. Database Tools tab

30. What is relational database?
a. A place to store relational information
b. A database that is related to other databases
c. A database to store human relations
d. None of above

31. The advantage of computerized database over manual database is
a. We can get the information our quick
b. We can put in information quick
c. Solve the repeated information and consistency problem
d. All of above

32. Circular button with Office icon in it is
a. Control box
b. Office box
c. Company box
d. Control menu box

33. Group names in ribbon can be helpful to
a. Group the commands so that when you move one, you can move all of them together
b. Give a name for buttons on ribbon
c. Find the required option by inspecting through them
d. All of above

34. The options like Relationship, SQL Server etc. are found in
a. External data tab
b. Database tools tab
c. Create tab
d. Home tab

35. Navigation pane is placed on
a. The left of Access workspace
b. The right of Access workspace
c. Just below the Access workspace
d. Just above the status bar

36. You can filter the display of different Access objects in navigation pane from
a. View tab in ribbon
b. Drop down menu at the top of navigation pane
c. Sort & Filter group in Home menu
d. Database tab


1.         b. Input mask

2.        a. Data

3.      c. Queries

4.   b. Filter by selection

5.     a. Filter by form

6.     a. Home ribbon

7.      c. Advanced filter

8.      c. Type of report that displays data grouped by fields you specified

9.     d. Status bar while entering data

10.    a. 1

11.    b. 8

12.    d. Memo fields

13.    c. Single click on expand indicator (+) next to the record

14.    a. Record, field, byte, bit

15.    b. One to many

16.    c. Many to many

17.    b. Many to many

18.    c. Many to many

19.    c. Many to many

20.    c. Junction table

21.   b. Sub form

22.    a. Text

23.    b. AutoNumber

24.    c. OLE

25.     d. All of above

26.    b. Access 2007

27.    a. File menu

28.    b. To move it up and make it always available

29.     c. File menu

30.     a. A place to store relational information

31.     d. All of above

32.     b. Office box

33.    c. Find the required option by inspecting through them

34.    b. Database tools tab

35.    a. The left of Access workspace

36.     b. Drop down menu at the top of navigation pane

Solved MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set – 10


Questions 1:

The ascending order of a data hirerchy is:
a. bit-byte-record-field-file-database
b. byte-bit-field-record-file-database
c. bit-byte-field-record-file-database
d. bit-byte-file-record-field-database

Question 2:

Which of the following is true of a network structure?
a. t is a physical representation of the data
b. It allows a many-to-many relationship
c. It is conceptually simple
d. It will be dominant data base of the future

Question 3:

Which of the following is a problem of file management system?
a. difficult to update
b. lack of data independence
c. data redundancy
d. program dependence
e. all of above

Question 4:

One data dictionery software package is called
a. DB/DC dictionary
d. Datapac
e. Data Manager

Question 5:

The function of a database is ...
a. to check all input data
b. to check all spelling
c. to collect and organize input data
d. to output data

Question 6:

What is the language used by most of the DBMSs for helping their users to access data?
a. High level language
b. SQL
c. Query Language
d. 4GL

Question 7:

The model for a record management system might be
a. handwritten list
b. a Rolodex card file
c. a business form
d. all of above

Question 8:

Primitive operations common to all record management system include
a. print
b. sort
c. look-up
d. all of above

Question 9:

In a large DBMS
a. each user can "see" only a small part of the entire database
b. each subschema contains every field in the logical schema
c. each user can access every subschema

Question 10:

Information can be transferred between the DBMS and a
a. spreadsheet program
b. word processor program
c. graphics program
d. all of the above


1. c    2. b    3. e     4. a     5. c    6. c     7. d    8. c     9. a     10. D

Solved MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set – 11

Questions 1:

Which of the following fields in a student file can be used as a primary key?
a. class
b. Social Security Number
c. GPA
d. Major

Question 2:

Which of the following is not an advantage of the database approach
a. Elimination of data redundancy
b. Ability of associate deleted data
c. increased security
d. program/data independence
e. all of the above 

Question 3:

Which of the following contains a complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a database during a certain period of time?
a. report writer
b. query language
c. data manipulation language
d. transaction log
e. none of the above

Question 4:

In the DBMS approach, application programs perform the 
a. storage function
b. processing functions
c. access control
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Question 5:

A set of programs that handle a firm's database responsibilities is called
a. database management system (DBMS)
b. database processing system (DBPS)
c. data management system (DMS)
d. all of above

Question 6:

Which is the make given to the database management system which is able to handle full text data, image data, audio and video?
a. full media
b. graphics media
c. multimedia
d. hypertext 

Question 7:

A record management system
a. can handle many files of information at a time
b. can be used to extract information stored in a computer file
c. always uses a list as its model
d. both a and b 

Question 8:

A command that lets you change one or more fields in a record is
a. insert
b. modify
c. lookup
d. none of above 

Question 9:

A transparent DBMS
a. can not hide sensitive information from users
b. keeps its logical structure hidden from users
c. keeps its physical structure hidden from users
d. both b and c 

Question 10:

A file produced by a spreadsheet 
a. is generally stored on disk in an ASCII text fromat
b. can be used as is by the DBMS
c. both a and b
d. none of the above


1.b     2.e     3.d      4.b      5.d     6.c      7.b     8.b      9.c      10.a 

Solved MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set – 12


Questions 1:

Which of the following is not true of the traditional approach to information processing
a. there is common sharing of data among the various applications
b. it is file oriented
c. programs are dependent on the file
d. it is inflexible
e. all of the above are true

Question 2:

Which of the following hardware component is the most important to the operation of database management system?
a. high resolution video display
b. printer
c. high speed, large capacity disk
d. plotter
e. mouse

Question 3:

Generalized database management system do not retrieve data to meet routine request
a. true
b. false

Question 4:

Batch processing is appropriate if
a. large computer system is available
b. only a small computer system is avilbale
c. only a few transactions are involved
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Question 5:

Large collection of files are called
a. fields
b. records
c. database
d. sectors

Question 6:

Which of the following is not a relational database?
a. dBase IV
b. 4th Dimension
c. FoxPro
d. Reflex

Question 7:

In order to use a record management system 
a. you need to understand the low level details of how information is stored
b. you need to understand the model the record management system uses
c. bother a and b
d. none of the above

Question 8:

Sort/Report generators
a. are faster than index/report generators
b. require more disk space than indexed/report generators
c. do not need to sort before generating report
d. both a and b

Question 9:

If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then 
a. storage space is wasted
b. changing the data in one spot will cause data inconsistency
c. in can be more easily accessed
d. both and b

Question 10:

An audit trail
a. is used to make backup copies
b. is the recorded history of operations performed on a file
c. can be used to restore lost information
d. none of the aobve


1.a     2.c     3. b     4.e      5.c     6.d      7.b      8.b      9.d      10.b 


Solved MCQ of Database Management System (DBMS) Set – 13


Questions 1:

The relational database environment has all of the following components except
a. users
b. separate files
c. database
d. query languages
e. database

Question 2:

Database management systems are intended to 
a. eliminate data redundancy
b. establish relationship among records in different files
c. manage file access
d. maintain data integrity
e. all of the above 

Question 3:

One approach to standardization storing of data?
a. MIS
b. structured programming
c. CODASYL specification
d. none of the above

Question 4:

The language used application programs to request data from the DBMS is
referred to as the
a. DML
b. DDL
c. query language
d. any of the above
e. none of the above

Question 5:

The highest  level in the hierarchy of data organization is called
a. data bank
b. data base
c. data file
d. data record

Question 6:

Choose the RDBMS which supports full fledged client server application development
a. dBase V
b. Oracle 7.1
c. FoxPro 2.1
d. Ingress

Question 7:

Report generators are used to 
a. store data input by a user
b. retrieve information from files
c. answer queries
d. both b and c

Question 8:

A form defined 
a. where data is placed on the screen
b. the width of each field
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

Question 9:

A top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a 
a. hierarchical schema
b. network schema
c. relational schema
d. all of the above

Question 10:

The management information system (MIS) structure with one main computer
system is called a
a. hierarchical MIS structure
b. distributed MIS structure
c. centralized MIS structure
d. decentralized MIS structure


1.b     2.e     3.c      4.a      5.b     6. b     7.d     8.a      9.a      10.c






                     2. Networking


MCQ of Computer Networking with answer set-1

1.  The computer network is
A) Network computer with cable
B) Network computer without cable
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above

2. FDDI used which type of physical topology?
A) Bus
B) Ring
C) Star
D) Tree

3. FTP stands for
A) File transfer protocol
B) File transmission protocol
C) Form transfer protocol
D) Form transmission protocol

4. Ethernet system uses which of the following technology.
A) Bus
B) Ring
C) Star
D) Tree

5. Which of the following are the network services?
A) File service
B) Print service
C) Database service
D) All of the above

6. If all devices are connected to a central hub, then topology is called
A) Bus Topology
B) Ring Topology
C) Star Topology
D) Tree Topology

7. FDDI stands for
A) Fiber Distributed Data Interface
B) Fiber Data Distributed Interface
C) Fiber Dual Distributed Interface
D) Fiber Distributed Data Interface

8. Which of the following is an application layer service?
A) Network virtual terminal
B) File transfer, access and management
C) Mail service
D) All of the above
9. Which is the main function of transport layer?
A) Node to node delivery
B) End to end delivery
C) Synchronization
D) Updating and maintaining routing tables

10. The ............ layer change bits onto electromagnetic signals.
A) Physical
B) Transport
C) Data Link
D) Presentation

1.       C) Both of the above
2.       B) Ring
3.       A) File transfer protocol
4.       A) Bus
5.       D) All of the above

6.       C) Star Topology
7.       A) Fiber Distributed... Interface
8.       C) Mail service
9.       B) End to end delivery
10.   A) Physical

MCQ of Computer Networking with answer set-2

1. A network that needs human beings to manually route signals is called....

A) Fiber Optic Network         B) Bus Network

C) T-switched network           D) Ring network

2. TCP/IP ................. layer corresponds to the OSI models to three layers.

A) Application          B) Presentation

C) Session                 D) Transport

3. Which of the transport layer protocols is connectionless?

A) UDP                      B) TCP

C) FTP                       D) Nvt

4. Which of the following applications allows a user to access and change remote files without actual transfer?

A) DNS                     B) FTP

C) NFS                     D) Telnet

5. The data unit in the TCP/IP layer called a .....

A) Message             B) Segment

C) Datagram           D) Frame

6. DNS can obtain the ................. of host if its domain name is known and vice versa.

A) Station address       B) IP address

C) Port address            D) Checksum

7. Which of the following OSI layers correspond to TCP/IP's application layer?

A) Application           B) Presentation

C) Session                 D) All of the above

8. Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network via a .......

A) File Server            B) Utility Server

C) Printer Server        D) Gateway

9. A communication device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one line is a

A) Concentrator         B) Modifier

C) Multiplexer           D) Full duplex file

10. Which layers of the OSI determines the interface often system with the user?

A) Network              B) Application

C) Data link             D) Session

11. Which of the following of the TCP/IP protocols is the used for transferring files from one machine to another?

A) FTP                 C) SNMP

B) SMTP             D) Rpe

12. In which OSI layers does the FDDI protocol operate?

A) Physical       B) Data link

C) Network       D) A and B

13. In FDDI, data normally travel on ..................

A) The primary ring          B) The Secondary ring

C) Both rings                     D) Neither ring

14. The ............layer of OSI model can use the trailer of the frame for error detection.

A) Physical                 B) Data link

C) Transport               D) Presentation

15. In a ................topology, if there are n devices in a network, each device has n-1 ports for cables.

A) Mesh                  B) Star

C) Bus                     D) Ring

16. Another name for Usenet is

A) Gopher            B) Newsgroups

C) Browser           D) CERN

17. The standard suit of protocols used by the Internet, Intranets, extranets and some other networks.

A) TCP/IP               B) Protocol

C) Open system      D) Internet work processor

18. State whether the following is True or False.

i) In bus topology, heavy Network traffic slows down the bus speed.

ii) It is multipoint configuration.

A) True, True           B) True, False

C) False, True         D) False, False

19. Which of the following is the logical topology?

A) Bus                    B) Tree

C) Star                   D) Both A and B

20. Which of the following is/ are the drawbacks of Ring Topology?

A) Failure of one computer, can affect the whole network

B) Adding or removing the computers disturbs the network activity.

C) If the central hub fails, the whole network fails to operate.

D) Both of A and B

1.       C) T-switched network
2.       A) Application
3.       A) UDP
4.       C) NFS
5.       D) Frame
6.       B) IP address
7.       D) All of the above
8.       D) Gateway
9.       C) Multiplexer
10.   B) Application
11.   A) FTP
12.   D) A and B
13.   A) The primary ring
14.   A) Physical
15.   A) Mesh
16.   B) Newsgroups
17.   A) TCP/IP
18.   A) True, True
19.   C) Bus      
20.   D) Both of A and B

Solved MCQ of Computer networking set-3

1. In mesh topology, relationship between one device and another is ..............
A) Primary to peer
B) Peer to primary
C) Primary to secondary
D) Peer to Peer

2. The performance of data communications network depends on ..............
A) Number of users
B) The hardware and software
C) The transmission
D) All of the above

3. Find out the OSI layer, which performs token management.
A) Network Layer
B) Transport Layer
C) Session Layer
D) Presentation Layer

4. The name of the protocol which provides virtual terminal in TCP/IP model is.
A) Telnet

5. The layer one of the OSI model is
A) Physical layer
B) Link layer
C) Router layer
D) Broadcast layer

6. What is the name of the network topology in which there are bi-directional links between each possible node?
A) Ring
B) Star
C) Tree
D) Mesh

7. What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data transmission?
A) Bytes per second
B) Baud
C) Bits per second
D) Both B and C

8. Which of the communication modes support two way traffic but in only once direction of a time?
A) Simplex
B) Half-duplex
C) Three - quarter's duplex
D) Full duplex

9. The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called .............
A) Attenuation
B) Propagation
C) Scattering
D) Interruption

10. Which of the following TCP/IP protocols is used for transferring files form one machine to another.

1.   D) Peer to Peer
2.   D) All of the above
3.   C) Session Layer
4.   A) Telnet
5.   A) Physical layer
6.   D) Mesh
7.   B) Baud
8.   B) Half-duplex
9.   A) Attenuation
10.   A) FTP

MCQ of Computer Networking with answer set-4

1. Which of the following is not the layer of TCP/IP protocol?
A) Application Layer
B) Session Layer
C) Transport Layer
D) Internetwork layer

 2. ................... address use 7 bits for the and 24 bits for the portion of the IP address.
A) Class A
B) Class B
C) Class C
D) Class D

3. ............. addresses are reserved for multicasting.
A) Class B
B) Class C
C) Class D
D) Class E

4. State the following statement is true or false.
i) In class B addresses a total of more than 1 billion addresses can be formed.
ii) Class E addresses are reserved for future or experimental use.
A) True, False
B) True, True
C) False, True
D) False, False

5. Which of the following statement is true?
i) An address with all bits 1 is interpreted as all networks or all hosts.
ii) The class A network is defined as the loopback network.
A) i only
B) ii only
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

6. Which is not the Regional Internet Registers (RIR) of the following?
A) American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
B) Europeans Registry for Internet Numbers (ERIN)
C) Reseaux IP  Europeans (RIPE)
D) Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)

7. Match the following IEEE No to their corresponding Name for IEEE 802 standards for LANs.
i) 802.3                                  a) WiFi
ii) 802.11                              b) WiMa
iii) 802.15.1                          c) Ethernet
iv) 802.16                             d) Bluetooth
A) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a
B) i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b
C) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
D) i-b, ii-d, iii-c, iv-a

8. ........... was the first step in the evolution of Ethernet from a coaxial cable bus to hub managed, twisted pair network.
A) Star LAN
B) Ring LAN
C) Mesh LAN
D) All of the above

9. ............... is the predominant form of Fast Ethernet, and runs over two pairs of category 5 or above cable.
A) 100 BASE-T
B) 100 BASE-TX
C) 100 BASE-T4
D) 100 BASE-T2

10. IEEE 802.3ab defines Gigabit Ethernet transmission over unshielded twisted pair (UTP) category 5, 5e or 6 cabling known as ....................
A) 1000 BASE-T
B) 1000 BASE-SX
C) 1000 BASE-LX
D) 1000 BASE-CX

1.       B) Session Layer
2.       A) Class A
3.       C) Class D
4.       B) True, True
5.       A) i only
6.       B) Europeans .....  (ERIN)
7.       C) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
8.       A) Star LAN
9.       B) 100 BASE-TX
10.   A) 1000 BASE-T

Solved MCQ of Computer Networking set-5

1. Which of the following is not the layer of TCP/IP protocol?
A) Application Layer
B) Session Layer
C) Transport Layer
D) Internetwork layer

 2. ................... address use 7 bits for the and 24 bits for the portion of the IP address.
A) Class A
B) Class B
C) Class C
D) Class D

3. ............. addresses are reserved for multicasting.
A) Class B
B) Class C
C) Class D
D) Class E

4. State the following statement is true or false.
i) In class B addresses a total of more than 1 billion addresses can be formed.
ii) Class E addresses are reserved for future or experimental use.
A) True, False
B) True, True
C) False, True
D) False, False

5. Which of the following statement is true?
i) An address with all bits 1 is interpreted as all networks or all hosts.
ii) The class A network is defined as the loopback network.
A) i only
B) ii only
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

6. Which is not the Regional Internet Registers (RIR) of the following?
A) American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
B) Europeans Registry for Internet Numbers (ERIN)
C) Reseaux IP  Europeans (RIPE)
D) Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)

7. Match the following IEEE No to their corresponding Name for IEEE 802 standards for LANs.
i) 802.3                                  a) WiFi
ii) 802.11                              b) WiMa
iii) 802.15.1                          c) Ethernet
iv) 802.16                             d) Bluetooth
A) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a
B) i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b
C) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
D) i-b, ii-d, iii-c, iv-a

8. ........... was the first step in the evolution of Ethernet from a coaxial cable bus to hub managed, twisted pair network.
A) Star LAN
B) Ring LAN
C) Mesh LAN
D) All of the above

9. ............... is the predominant form of Fast Ethernet, and runs over two pairs of category 5 or above cable.
A) 100 BASE-T
B) 100 BASE-TX
C) 100 BASE-T4
D) 100 BASE-T2

10. IEEE 802.3ab defines Gigabit Ethernet transmission over unshielded twisted pair (UTP) category 5, 5e or 6 cabling known as ....................
A) 1000 BASE-T
B) 1000 BASE-SX
C) 1000 BASE-LX
D) 1000 BASE-CX

1.       B) Session Layer
2.       A) Class A
3.       C) Class D
4.       B) True, True
5.       A) i only
6.       B) Europeans .....  (ERIN)
7.       C) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
8.       A) Star LAN
9.       B) 100 BASE-TX
10.   A) 1000 BASE-T

Solved MCQ of Computer Networking test set-6

1. ………………….. is a high performance fiber optic token ring LAN running at 100 Mbps over distances upto 1000 stations connected.
D) FOTR   
2. Which of the following are Gigabit Ethernets?
A) 1000 BASE-SX
B) 1000 BASE-LX
C) 1000 BASE-CX
D) All of above

3. ………………….. is a collective term for a number of Ethernet Standards that carry traffic at the nominal rate of 1000 Mbit/s against the original Ethernet speed of 10 Mbit/s.
A) Ethernet
B) Fast Ethernet
C) Gigabit Ethernet
D) All of the above

4. …………… is another kind of fiber optic network with an active star for switching.

5. The combination of ……………. And ………….. is often termed the local address of the local portion of the IP address.
A) Network number and host number
B) Network number and subnet number
C) Subnet number and host number
D) All of the above

6. ………………….. implies that all subnets obtained from the same subnet mask.
A) Static subnetting
B) Dynamic subnetting
C) Variable length subnetting
D) Both B and C

7. State whether true or false.
i) A connection oriented protocol can only use unicast addresses.
ii) The anycast service is included in IPV6.
A) True, True
B) True, False
C) False, True
D) False, False

8. The most important and common protocols associated TCP/IP internetwork layer are.
i) Internet protocol(IP)                                  ii) Internet control Message Protocol(ICMP)
iii) Bootstrap Protocol (BooTP)                   iv) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
v) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
A) i, ii, iii and iv only
B) i, iii, iv and v only
C) ii, iii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

9.  …………………….. is responsible for converting the higher level protocol addresses (IP addresses) to physical network addresses.
A) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
B) Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
C) Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
D) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

10. Which of the following is not a mechanism that DHCP supports for IP address allocation?
A) Automatic allocation
B) Static allocation
C) Dynamic allocation
D) Manual allocation

1.       A) FDDI
2.       D) All of above
3.       B) Fast Ethernet
4.       A) S/NET
5.       C) Subnet . host number
6.       A) Static subnetting
7.       A) True, True
8.       D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
9.       A) Address …..(ARP)
10.   B) Static allocation

MCQ of Computer networking test with answer set-7

1. The examples of Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) are.
i) Open Short Path First (OSPF)                                  ii) Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
iii) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
A)  i only
B) i, and ii only
C) i and iii only
D) All i, ii and iii

2. FTP server listens to connections on port …………………….
A) 19 and 20
B) 20 and 21
C) 21 and 22
D) 20 and 22

3. Which of the following operations can be performed by using FTP.
i) Connect to a remote host                        ii) Select directory
iii) Define the transfer mode                      iv) List file available
A) i, and ii only
B) i, ii and iii only
C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

4. A ………….. is a set of information that is exchanged between a client and web browser and a web server during an HTTP transaction.
A) infoset
B) clientinfo
C) cookie
D) transkie

5. Match the following HTTP status code to their respective definitions.
i) 400                                     a) OK
ii) 500                                    b)  Not found
iii) 200                                   c) Continue
iv) 100                                   d) Internal server error
A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c
B) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
C) i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d
D) i-b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-d

6. Loopback address ……………………. of IPv6 address is equivalent to the IPV4 loopback address
A) (: : 1)
B) (: : )
C) (: : 0)
D) (1 : : )

7. Unspecified address ………………….. of IPV6 address is equivalent to the IPV4 unspecified address
A) (: : 1)
B) (: : )
C) (: : 0)
D) (1 : : )

8. A simple cabling method, known as the ……………… topology allows about 30 computers on a maximum cable length of about 600 feet.
A) Ring
B) Bus
C) Star
D) Mesh

9. The ……………… layer is responsible for resolving access to the shared media or resources.
A) Physical
B) Mac sub layer
C) Network
D) Transport

10. A WAN typically spans a set of countries that have data rates less than ……………. Mbps.
A) 2
B) 1
C) 4
D) 100

1.       B) i, and ii only
2.       B) 20 and 21
3.       D) All i, ii, iii and iv
4.       C) cookie
5.       A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c
6.       A) (: : 1)
7.       B) (: : )
8.       B) Bus
9.       B) Mac sub layer
10.   B) 1

Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions with Answer set-8


1. In addresses for ................... networks, the first 16 bits specify a particular network, and the last 16 bits specify a particular host.

A) class A
B) class B
C) class C
D) class D

2. The .............. protocol is based on end to end delivery.


3. A/An .................... routing scheme is designed to enable switches to react to changing traffic patterns on the network.

A) static routing
B) fixed alternate routing
C) adaptive routing
D) dynamic routing

4. The IPV4 address is a .................. address because it is assigned at the internet layer.

A) logical
B) physical
C) common
D) shared

5. The ................... layer provides a well defined service interface to the network layer, determining how the bits of the physical layer are grouped into frames.

A) Data Link
B) Physical
C) Network
D) Session

6. A distributed data processing configuration in which all activities must pass through a centrally located computer is called as ............

A) ring network
B) spider network
C) hierarchical network
D) data control network

7. The ............... signals are used for the maintenance, troubleshooting and overall operation of the network.

A) address
B) network management
C) call Information
D) supervisory

8. In ........................ a route is selected for each source-destination pair of in the network.

A) flooding
B) variable routing
C) fixed routing
D) random routing

9. In ................. type of service, each frame sent over the connection is numbered and the data link layer guarantees that each frame sent is indeed received.

A) connection less service
B) indirect link service
C) direct link service
D) connection oriented service

10. In .................... deliver, packets of a message are logically connected to one another.

A) connection less
B) indirect link
C) direct link
D) connection oriented

1.       1) B
2.       2) A
3.       3) C
4.       4) A
5.       5) A
6.       6) B
7.       7) B
8.       8) C
9.       9) D
10.   10) D

Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions with Answer set-9

Number of bits per symbol used in Baudot code is
a. 7
b. 5
c. 8
d. 9

Question 2:
What is the main difference between DDCMP and SDLC?
a. DDCMP does not need special hardware to final the beginning of a message
b. DDCMP has a message header
c. SDLC has a IP address
d. SDLC does not use CRC

Question 3:
An example of digital, rather than analog, communication is
a. DDD
b. DDS
d. DDT

Question 4:
Terminals are required for 
a. real-time, batch processing & time-sharing
b. real time, time-sharing & distributed message processing
c. real time, distributed processing & manager inquiry
d. real-time,  time sharing & message switching

Question 5:
The receive equilizer reduces delay distortions using a
a. tapped delay lines
b. gearshift
c. descrambler
d. difference engine

Question 6:
Ina synchronous modem, the receive equilizer is known as
a. adaptive equilizer
b. impariment equilizer
c. statistical equilizer
d. compromise equilizer 

Question 7:
The channel in the data communication model can be
a. postal mail services
b. telephone lines
c. radio lines
d. any of the above

Question 8:
A data terminal serves as an
a. Effector
b. sensor
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

Question 9:
Which of the following transmission systems provide the highest data rate to in individual device?
a. computer bus
b. telephone lines
c. voice and mode
d. lease lines

Question 10:
A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must take place
a. between peers
b. between an interface
c. between modems
d. across an interface


1. b 2. A 3. b
4. d 5. A 6. a
7. d  8. C 9. a
10. a
Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions with Answer set-10
Question 1:
Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication link?
a. simplex
b. half-duplex
c. full-duplex
d. b and c
e. None of above

Question 2:
What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communication link layer?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6
e. none of above

Question 3:
Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?
a. wide band channel
b. voice band challen
c. narrow band channel

Question 4:
Most data communications involving telegraph lines use:
a. simplex lines
b. wideband channel
c. narrowband channel
d. dialed service

Question 5:
A communications device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one line is a
a. concentrator
b. modifier
c. multiplexer
d. full-duplex line

Question 6:
How much power (roughly) a light emitting diode can couple into an optical fiber?
a. 100 microwatts
b. 440 microwatts
c. 100 picowatts
d. 10 miliwatts

Question 7:
The synchronous modems are more costly than the asynchronous modems because
a. they produce large volume of data
b. they contain clock recovery circuits
c. they transmit the data with stop and start bits
d. they operate with a larger bandwidth
e. none of above

Question 8:
Which of the following statement is correct?
a. terminal section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
b. receiver section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
c. transmission section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
d. control section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
e. none of the above

Question 9:
In a synchronous modem, the digital-to-analog converter transmits signal to the
a. equilizer
b. modulator
c. demodulator
d. terminal
e. none of aobve

Question 10:
Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications?
a. narrow band channel
b. simplex lines
c. full duplex lines
d. mixed band channels


1.      C 2. C  3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C

 Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions with Answer set-11

Question 1:
The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system may be best suited to 
a. simplex lines
b. half-duplex lines
c. full duplex lines
d. biflex-lines

Question 2:
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
a. The difference between synchronous and asynchronous transmission is the clocking derived from the data in synchronous transmission.
b. Half duplex line is a communication line in which data can move in two directions, but not at the same time.
c. Teleprocessing combines telecommunications and DP techniques in online activities
d. Batch processing is the prefered processing mode for telecommunication operation.

Question 3:
Which of hte following is considered a broad band communication channel?
a. coaxial cable
b. fiber optics cable
c. microwave circuits
d. all of above

Question 4:
Which of the following is not a transmission medium?
a. telephone lines
b. coaxial cables
c. modem
d. microwave systems

Question 5:
Which of the following does not allow multiple uses or devices to share one communication line?
a. doubleplexer
b. multiplexer
c. concentrator
d. controller

Question 6:
Which of the following signal is not standard RS-232-C signal?
a. VDR
b. RTS
c. CTS
d. DSR

Question 7:
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
a. Multiplexers are designed to accept data from several I/O devices and transmit a unified stream of data on one communication line
b. HDLC is a standard synchronous communication protocol.
c. RTS/CTS is the way the DTE indicates that it is ready to transmit data and the way the DCW indicates that it is ready to accept data
d. RTS/CTS is the way the terminal indicates ringing

Question 8:
Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?
a. resistance to data theft
b. fast data transmission rate
c. low noise level
d. all of above

Question 9:
Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers?
a. communications software
b. protocol
c. communication hardware
d. all of above including access to transmission medium

Question 10:
The transmission signal coding method of TI carrier is called
a. Bipolar
b. NRZ
c. Manchester
d. Binary

Answers:Top of Form
Bottom of Form
1.      B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. A

Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions with Answer set-12
Question 1:
In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsibility of
a. session layer
b. network layer
c. transport layer
d. data link layer
e. none of above

Question 2:
In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by
a. network layer
b. data link layer
c. transport layer
d. session layer
e. none of above

Question 3:
Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation?
a. fiber optics
b. satellite
c. coaxial cable
d. modem
e. none of the above

Question 4:
The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as:
a. modulation
b. demodulation
c. synchronizing
d. digitising

Question 5:
How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Seven
d. Six
e. None of above

Question 6:
Layer one of the OSI model is
a. physical layer
b. link layer
c. transport layer
d. network layer
e. none of above

Question 7:
The x.25 standard specifies a
a. technique for start-stop data
b. technique for dial access
c. DTE/DCE interface
d. data bit rate
e. none of above

Question 8:
Which of the following communication modes support two-way traffic but in only one direction at a time?
a. simplex
b. half duplex
c. three-quarters duplex
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Question 9:
Which of the following might be used by a company to satisfy its growing communications needs?
a. front end processor
b. multiplexer
c. controller
d. concentrator
e. all of the above

Question 10:
What is the number of separate protocol layers at the serial interface gateway specified by the X.25 standard?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 6
d. 3
3. none of the above

Correct Answers:
1.      A 2. A 3. 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. E 10. D

Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions with Answer set-13

A remote batch-processing operation in which data is solely input to a central computer would require
a. telegraphp line
b. simplex lines
c. mixed bad channel
d. all of above

Question 2:
A band is always equivalent to
a. a byte
b. a bit
c. 100 bits
d. none of above

Question 3:
The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called
a. attenuation
b. progragation
c. scattering
d. interruption

Question 4:
Avalanche photodiode receivers can detect bits of transmitted data by receiving
a. 100 photons
b. 200 photons
c. 2000 photons
d. 300 photons

Question 5:
Communiction circuits that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time are operating in
a. a simplex mode
b. a half duplex mode
c. a full duplex mode
d. an asynchronous mode

Question 6:
An example of a medium speed, switched communications service is
a. series 1000
b. data phone 50
c. DDD
d. All of the above

Question 7:
In communication satellite, multiple repeaters are known as
a. detector
b. modulator
c. stations
d. transponders

Question 8:
While transmitting odd-parity coded symbols, the number of zeros in each symbol is
a. odd
b. even
c. a and b both
d. unknown

Question 9:
Data communications monitors available on the software marked include
c. BPL
d. Telnet

Question 10:
An example of an analog communication method is
a. laser beam
b. microwave
c. voice grade telephone line
d. all of the above


B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D



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